Android Wear News & Update: Pokemon Go On Wearable Primed And Ready

Hype might be on Apple's side with its new watch, but recent news should give Android Wear the edge as Pokemon Go is coming to the Google watch.

According to Pokemon Hub, there's evidence that a "pokemongoplus project" is included in the Android app, which will launch the Pokemon Go game on the smart watch. Apparently, the code is "complete and release ready."

"Pokemon GO Plus works in the background - it is not required to keep the smartphone app opened while playing on the watch," the blog site said.

That's quite significant considering that you can track and capture any pokemon while the game is running in the background. You can also get one or two more items. A notification alert will tell you if you are out of pokeballs or if your inventory is packed.

But Apple Watch owners need not worry following the news that some of the Android Wear watches can also be paired with an iOS. Whether that means that you can play with Pokemon Go on your Apple Watch remains to be seen.

There's no news, however, when the Pokemon Go will be launched in Android Wear. Considering what PPokemon Hub is saying about the game being primed for release, it would come sooner than later, said Pocket-Lint.

The last time that Android Wear is in the news was the release of updated developer software last month. And one of the biggest changes was the Together watch face being dumped by Google. The updated version also seems to be more concerned about fitness where you can track what you are eating, count the number of steps you walk, or how much calories you are burning.