BREATHEcast Exclusive Interview with Perry LaHaie

Recording artist and on-air personality, Perry LaHaie, is set to release his second studio album Ahead on March 5th. Ahead showcases Lahaie's brand of guitar-driven Christian rock. Grammy Award winning producer Andy Hunt and Grammy nominated songwriter Jeff Pardo partnered with LaHaie to create songs that carry the powerful message of God's grace and forgiveness.

LaHaie is the host of the nationally syndicated radio show "Cast Yourself In," which is broadcast on more than 300 stations and translators and worldwide via the internet. "Cast Yourself In" tells inspiring stories of how God is working in the Muslim world. BREATHEcast caught up with LaHaie at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Nashville to talk about his new album, performing and his work with the Frontier organization.  

BC: Tell me about your new album and the inspiration behind it?

The new album is called Ahead. It's based on a quote by Dawson Trotman, who started the Navigators many years ago. The Navigators is a campus ministry that teaches people to go deeper into the Bible. He was a man of great faith. He said when can't see far ahead; go ahead as far as you can see. There have been times in my life when it's been really dark and I thought God what are you up to, what am I suppose to do. God didn't give me a blueprint he gave me light to see the next step. I've learned to live with the reality that I don't know where I'm going. I'm not supposed to know where I am going and God will give me light for the next step.  When I take that next step God shows me what his plan is for my life. It's not about what my dreams are. It's about what are God's dreams for my life. We have been blessed so we can be a blessing. We're called to be a blessing to the people around us, but we're also called to be a blessing to the nations.

BC: Tell me more about Frontiers?

I work with Frontiers; we're reaching out to the Muslim world. We're sending people where Christ has never been known. We want to make Jesus known where he's never been known before. I want to use my new record and the radio-personality skills God has given me to make known to the American church that we have a destiny to get His word where it's never been heard before.

BC: How was it working with Andy Hunt?

Andy Hunt is an amazing person first of all. I've never seen a gut with such a work ethic and amazing creativity. I wanted to work with a producer who is also a song writer. I've been writing my own songs throughout my career and I really wanted to up my game as a song writer. I really needed to be challenged as a song writer. By God's providence I found Andy. I felt that I needed to write with people who are better than me.

BC: How was it performing the new material in front of a live audience?

It was a small intimate setting. It felt right. I was in front of an audience that cared about the music I do, about the message. I like the small group setting.

BC: What message do you want people to leave with after hearing your music?

I want people to go deeper into the word of God. I think it's easy to get caught up in trying to earn God's love. The gospel is totally opposite that. We can't earn God's love. We can't earn God's favor. We really need to grab a hold of the gospel every day. I'm a sinner.  I need God's grace today. I need the today as much as I did when he found me at my worst. It's his gospel that frees me to want to do well as a thank you to God, not as a way to earn his favor. I want my album to help people be free in Christ. Free them up to live out their faith for the right reason.