Duck Dynasty's Al Robertson Openly Talks About Wife’s Affair & Why He Forgave Her [INTERVIEW]

Al Robertson

The 'Duck Dynasty' crew is always busy whether they are filming their hit A&E reality show or promoting a new book. BREATHEcast caught up with Al Robertson to discuss 'The Duck Commander Faith and Family Bible' and the beardless brother spoke candidly about his journey to forgiveness after his wife's infidelity. 

In 'The Duck Commander Faith and Family Bible', forgiveness is one of the key topics targeted by Robertson and his uncensored dad Phil. In the Bible, Robertson talks openly about forgiving his wife Lisa after a 14-month affair. During our interview he expounded about what it was like living through that and coming out triumphant.

"It's one of those things that you like to say because you know you have to, you read that verse that says, 'if you can't forgive your brother then how do you expect God to...' so you say well all right, 'I gotta do it'," Robertson said, "One of those things that I discovered, in terms of our marriage is that forgiveness has more opportunity to be received and given in family and marriage then any other place."

The preacher explains that the people you love the most are the ones you spend the most time with and "those are the ones that you're probably going to hurt or be hurt by the most." "It could be a little thing like I was ugly to you this morning and I'm sorry forgive me, or it could be like what we went through where there was a 14-month affair involved," Robertson pointed out.

Robertson and his wife Lisa are happily married now, but their 30-year marriage has not been a walk in the park. Robertson said the first fifteen years were tough and admits he was not the best husband and ultimately things led to his wife having an affair.

"I'll tell you this, whether it's a huge thing or a little thing the concept that has to happen with forgiveness is that you have to practice the forgiveness" he said, "Which means that you cant use a person's sin against them or against your relationship to harm you or else true forgiveness never really took place."

Robertson models after God and His word pulling from Hebrews 12 where it says, 'I will forgive them and remember their sins no more'. "God is the ultimate computer and timepiece," He said, "He knows everything and all things so when he says I forgot them, he didn't mean some how he's absent minded, he meant I chose not to use it against you. He's never going to use our sin against us, our past against us, he's not! We've been delivered from that."

Robertson maintained that he believes this is what has to happen in any relationship for things to last. "That's what I did. Lisa and I didn't know whether or not we could stay together, obviously when there's a massive breach in the relationship like this it's not something that can be easily be put back together," Robertson confessed, "So it took a few months, but when I got to the point when I knew I wanted to live with Lisa and when Lisa got to the point where she knew she should change to really make this marriage work. I told her I forgave her I promised her and I also promised God too that I would never use her affair or the things that led up to that ('cause it wasn't just all her) to harm us or her in the future."

Robertson is fifteen years removed from the affair now and assures that he has never done it. "If you really forgive somebody you would never use sin to harm them, God would never do that to us," adding, "and I really felt for the first time in my life I realized how powerful God's forgiveness is for me. 'Cause I just had that glimpse of what it is like to betray him and His response and how powerful it is. So that changed me, and that changed Lisa and I think when I write about forgiveness now that gave me a whole new sense of being able to do that."

He mentioned reading a book at the time by author Joe Bean titled 'Getting Past Guilt' and said someone else's account of going through similar things really helped him get prepared to forgive his wife. Robertson and Lisa have also authored a newly released book titled, 'A New Season', click HERE to get your copy.

'The Duck Commander Faith and Family Bible' is now available on Amazon and other online stores, for more information visit Stay tuned for the next part of our interview with Robertson and read part 1 HERE

Duck Dynasty
(Photo : BREATHEcast)