'Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse' News: Game Features An Odd Text?

Along with players' response to Altus' "Shin Megami Tensei IV," the game reportedly features an aberrant dialogue.

According to Altus' official website, the text appears in game, which only happens with a certain set of circumstances. As per the publication, the studio's QA testers and media reviewers reported that that was a "relatively rare" set of scenarios that lead players to see the said text, which the studio hoped to be unseen by majority of players.

In the game, partners can be attacked and knocked out. Normally, they return after three turns and the said text only appears when the player reaches the point when the boss gives him a dialogue option while the partner is knowck out. According to the game testers, they had not had that circumstance of having a knocked out partner, but the said text was still in existence.

According to Polygon, "Shin Megami Tensei 4" challenges the players in every battle, as every foe had a weakness to be addressed. As per the publication, additional turns are given to the player's party each time he properly exploits his enemys weakness. This way, players become more engaged and forced to utlize their character's special skills while swapping out party members to optimize strengths and weaknesses.

As per Nintendo Life, the game gives a background story for players who play the game for the first time. But then, beginning with "Apocalypse" suggests that they will miss some Easter eggs or direct references to the first game.

Developed by Altus, "Shin Megami Tensei IV" was initially released for the Nintendo 3DS on Feb. 10.